* infant nursery * preschool * TK * Kindergarten *
Copyright Le Petit Elephant Nursery and Preschool. All rights reserved.
Le Petit Elephant Nursery and Preschool is excited to bring Napa’s first Child Development Center to the children and families of Napa at a beautiful new location in Alta Heights at 15 Chapel Hill Drive! This nearly 20,000 sq.ft. facility sits on almost two and half acres of beautifully maintained property and includes a gorgeous gymnasium space with a full basketball court and fully-equipped raised stage. LPE’s mission is to not only expand high-quality childcare access in Napa (infant-care and preschool), but to create a dedicated space for young children and families to spend time together on the weekends to play, learn and grow!
Some of the exciting offerings we will be bringing to the families of Napa are:
Here is the exact language from our use permit:
PC2024-02 Rev. May 21, 2024
1. This Use Permit authorizes a daycare facility for up to 250 children and other youth services, and a reduction in parking. This approval is based on Project plans dated February 26, 2024, (Attachment 2 of the April 04, 2024, Planning Commission Staff Report), as approved by the City and as modified by these conditions of approval (hereafter, the "Application Plans").
2. The site shall maintain 97 (95 usable spaces) vehicle parking spaces, which accounts for authorization under this Use Permit for the following parking deficits for the different uses approved:
a. Weekdays (M-F, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.): 10 spaces
b. Weeknights (M-F, 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.): 24 spaces
c. Weekends (Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.): 53 spaces
3. The Planning Manager is authorized to determine whether the Applicant is in compliance with the requirements and conditions of the Use Permit.
4. Should the Planning Manager determine that the business causes a nuisance, this application shall be reviewed for new conditions of approval, modified conditions of approval, or, if necessary, revocation of the permit consistent with Section 17.68.150 of the Zoning Ordinance.
5. The hours of the childcare operation shall be limited to 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for one (1) night per month, when Date Night Services are offered.
6. During Date Night services, up to thirty (30) children would be authorized to be in care from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
7. Date Night services shall only occur one (1) night per month.
9. No sports tournaments shall be held in the gymnasium/multi-use space.
10. The hours of the community playroom operation shall be limited to 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the weekends.
11. The number of children in childcare under the facility's license shall not exceed 250.
12. The number of employees shall not exceed 55 persons.
13. At the time of the building permit submittal, the Applicant shall submit a fencing, landscaping, and lighting plan, which will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Manager.
14. Creeping vines or some other landscape vine material shall be planted along the fence and demonstrated ni the fencing, landscaping, and lighting plan for review and approval by the Planning Manager.
15. Exterior lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to prevent glare onto public streets and abutting residential properties, pursuant to NMC Section 17.10.040(K).
16. As shown on the site plan, the eleven (11) parking spaces directly east of the site shall be used for rapid pick-up and drop-off. Outside of childcare hours and designated drop-off and pick-up times, these spaces shall be used as standard parking spaces.
17. Signage, or some other form of communication, shal be installed at the eleven (11) parking spaces directly East of the primary structure, detailing the hours ni which the parking spaces are reserved for pick-up and drop-off only.
18. No commercial tenant signage is approved with this Project. The Applicant shal submit a separate Sign Plan Check application to the Planning Division for review of commercial tenant signage. Consistent with the City's Sign Ordinance, no portable (e.g., A-frame) signs are permitted.
19. No outdoor sound amplification system is approved for the Site as a part of this application.
20. Driveway access to the parking areas shall be secured during hours of non-operation.
21. All awnings, covered walkways, and shade covers shall be maintained in good repair and shall either be removed or replaced when noticeably worn.
22. Play structures shall be maintained in good repair and shall either be removed or replaced when noticeably worn.
23. Pursuant ot NMC Section 17.52.370, there shall be a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet between the grade and the lowest part of the awnings, covered walkways, and shade covers.
24. All mechanical and utility equipment, including transformers and backflow devices, shall be screened and/or integrated into a building structure. Screens shall not be used where they would disproportionately increase the mass of the building or introduce elements that are inconsistent with the high level of design quality reviewed as part of this approval. Landscaping and screening of devices must be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Project.
25. Any work that requires plans to be submitted for building permits or improvement plans shall conform substantially to the Application Plans, and these conditions of approval.
26. All plans submitted for a building permit shall include building elevations that provide the same architectural details found on the front elevation for all elevations.
27. All project conditions of approval shall be printed verbatim on one of the first three pages of al the working drawing sets used for the issuance of building permits (architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing) and shall be referenced ni the sheet index. The minimum font size utilized for printed text shall be 12 point.
28. The Applicant shall ensure that all landscaping shall be maintained ni a healthy, weed-free condition.
29. Construction activities shall comply with NMC 8.08.025.
30. The Applicant's use of the Site shall be limited to the uses identified in Attachment 1 to this resolution, except that the following uses are prohibited:
a. Adult-only parties or events, weddings, anniversary parties, retirement parties, and/or sports tournaments;
b. Rental of any outdoor spaces; and/or
c. Any use determined by the Community Development Director that is not subordinate, similar, or otherwise
ancillary to the primary use.
31. The Applicant shall make a presentation to the City Council 1-year from the date of commencement of daycare operations on the Site to demonstrate compliance with the obligations of this Use Permit.
32. The Site shall not be used for more than one (1) special event per year, and the maximum attendance at such event shall be 150 people.
33. No more than one (1) single-day license from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) may be used on the Site per calendar year.